This is something of a sidetrack from readability, but when I read those “what is roleplaying” notes, they often feel like an afterthought someone has put in because all rpg books are supposed to have them, without really thinking about it.
I mean, you could make an analysis: Is this book going to be an entry point into roleplaying? If its something like D&D or Vampire, the answer is probably yes. For other types games, it could be no.
The most half-assed “what is roleplaying” I’ve read recently was in Symbaroum (otherwise a very good game), where they used jargon like PC without explaining what it meant. I mean, if someone knows what PC means, they don’t need the “what is roleplaying” intro.
Sometimes I think these are a lost opportunity: Instead of defining what is roleplaying, that same energy could be used to define roleplaying in the specific context of this game. After all, D&D roleplaying is quite different from A Quiet Year roleplaying.