Snippet Time! Happy to share them. Often I checked the D&D template (s. link in original post) and edit their solution.
The first page is such a thing using the rpgarttop for the black/ripped background (needs tikz package)
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\node[inner sep=0pt, anchor=north] at (current page.north) {\includegraphics[width=\paperwidth]{#1}};
For the header quote I used the quotchap package
{\large ‘#1’}
\qauthor{\textcolor{aFoDWhite}{\aFoDDingbatsFont\tiny N \aFoDSettingFont\normalsize #2}}
For the paper background I used backgroundsetup like this
% background image
\backgroundsetup{scale=1.0, angle=0, opacity=0.75,
contents={\includegraphics[width=\paperwidth, height=\paperheight,
The get this specific chapter look (display style) you have to use this code
{\filleft} %format
{\vspace{-13mm}\color{aFoDWhite} \chaptername\ \thechapter}%label
{0pt} %sep
{\aFoDChapterFont\color{aFoDWhite}\huge} %use for seperate text scaling
I use local Fonts via fontspec package instead of full-blown latex fonts. Looks cooler even if the media-break is sometimes painful because positioning is off etc.
So, in the end the chapter looks like this:
\aFoDHeaderQuote{Get ready, Mateo. Doom is coming to dinner.}{MARSHAL McCAIN}
For graphical resources: I do them myself with (free) input from “creative market” and “Spoon Graphics”. also has very good (also free) resources.
Hope this helps a bit. And thanks for the “amazin”, glad you like it.