Some feedback on this:
When you close the window/tab, the contents of the table disappear. This makes it hard to use asynchronously! (In Roll for Your Party, each “table” as assigned a random and unique URL, so it can persist between visits.)
If I understand correctly, you’d have to save the text (as a .txt file, say) and then share it with the other players, who would each then have to paste/load it, and then similarly save and share… difficult! Or is there another way? (If you’re all logged in at the same time, and no one closes the tab, it seems to work ok, though.)
As DeReel says, there’s some weirdness where actions get repeated. For example, when I was trying to put down a text box/label, the letters I’d typed kept repeating themselves. This eventually stopped.
The multiplayer functionality could definitely be improved.
Drag-and-select seems to be working, but overly conservative (you have to completely encompass an element to select it), which seems different from how it works in most GUIs.
The “fix” option for the dynamic trays doesn’t seem to do anything (not anything I could notice, anyway!).
This tool is starting to be much more useable and functional (and interesting!) than existing dice rollers, but it’s still a bit buggy and hard to use multiplayer.
(Note: this was the basic table, not the beta.) (EDIT: The beta doesn’t exist anymore, so perhaps the basic table now IS the beta.)