What kind of support does your table need from online dice-roller / VTT?

As always, the “active area” of the table doesn’t fit the screen. I’m guessing you’ve already messed around with this… but it still jumps out at me.

Agreed that this experience is jarring and needs improvement. Keep tuned…

Changing dice colours is a bit tricky.

Not sure if this is part of your assessment or not, if you already know about this nevermind: Try going to the big Add Dice Dialog by clicking the Dice button without using the slide-out menu. Just click it normally. The top should show an option to choose a different color than your “player color”.

I do like the concept of changing the color of a die after it’s on the table. Maybe in some kind of “advanced” menu…

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Great info, Richard. I’ll keep that in mind as I develop deck functionality. Right now Togetherness Table has the same defect as you describe in the other tools - deleting is easy, but adding new cards into a deck isn’t.

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Ah! Fantastic. Thank you!

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And another announcement: There’s now an Exploding Dice Dynamic Tray to play with (Savage Worlds is an example game that uses this mechanism)


Sounds good! Then we’ll try using it for our game, I’ll be back with bug reports etc when we’ve taken it for a spin.


@Paul_T, have a look at table_beta, I’ve finally addressed some of the issues about centering the table on the browser viewport by default. It’s not everything you had asked for previously, but it’s progress!

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We tried it today. It didn’t go too well. We had 6 sorters set up, and with 4 concurrent users in multiplayer it glitched out totally. One of the sorters even magically removed itself from the board (or so it seemed at least).


Wilhelm, thanks so much for the report, and absoutely my apologies for the glitches. I’ll make this a high priority.

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Played again yesterday. We gave the table another shot, but it didn’t really work very well this time either. We would click one die, but it would roll another.

And there were four sorters in our setup. But one just disappeared suddenly.

It would be nice if there was a bit more feedback when we roll a die. It’s hard to say if a die was rolled and came up the same, or if the table glitched again and didn’t roll at all.


I agree with this; I’ve noticed that, too. Having said that, it’s a common problem for all online dice rollers. Does the Togetherness Table have a log of rolls? That’s one to “check” whether dice were really rerolled or not, if a good GUI solution isn’t available. (Perhaps the dice light up somehow after they are rerolled? Or the last roll is shown somewhere?)


Inside the sorter the dice shift a bit every time they’re rolled. Or perhaps tilt them a bit once rolled, even a 10 degree tilt would be highly noticeable, without affecting readability significantly.


Does the Togetherness Table have a log of rolls

That’s the feature currently under development. Still trying to figure out some UI issues with it – eg, where should it show up on the screen? What should the user need to do in order to see it?


Thanks again for the report and the screenshot. The screenshot helps me to hypothesize about what might have been going wrong in particular. It will help me in my efforts to reproduce the bug.


For rolling results, I thought of the toggle menu up there, but the usual format is vertical chat bar to quicly scroll back in time for a specific result.
My 0,2 cts.

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Indeed. A “log of rolls” button would also work, as it probably won’t be referenced often.

I could also see a brief popup, overlay, saying “rolled 3d6; 5, 4, 1” or whatever, which remains on-screen for 8 seconds, as a functional option.


(If you do this, and the multiplayer is active, it would be awesome if it also printed the name of the player who rolled the dice. So we can all roll our Spot-checks at the same time.)


I am testing the dice roller in an asynchronous game (we type our turns and send them to each other). Using the non-beta. Will report back!


The download svg option with an automatic time stamp is excellent.
But multiple player feels like navigating the tesseract : every movement looks like an Etienne Jules Marey photographic study, and is repeated in a loop for minutes.

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Some feedback on this:

When you close the window/tab, the contents of the table disappear. This makes it hard to use asynchronously! (In Roll for Your Party, each “table” as assigned a random and unique URL, so it can persist between visits.)

If I understand correctly, you’d have to save the text (as a .txt file, say) and then share it with the other players, who would each then have to paste/load it, and then similarly save and share… difficult! Or is there another way? (If you’re all logged in at the same time, and no one closes the tab, it seems to work ok, though.)

As DeReel says, there’s some weirdness where actions get repeated. For example, when I was trying to put down a text box/label, the letters I’d typed kept repeating themselves. This eventually stopped.

The multiplayer functionality could definitely be improved.

Drag-and-select seems to be working, but overly conservative (you have to completely encompass an element to select it), which seems different from how it works in most GUIs.

The “fix” option for the dynamic trays doesn’t seem to do anything (not anything I could notice, anyway!).


This tool is starting to be much more useable and functional (and interesting!) than existing dice rollers, but it’s still a bit buggy and hard to use multiplayer.

(Note: this was the basic table, not the beta.) (EDIT: The beta doesn’t exist anymore, so perhaps the basic table now IS the beta.)

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Please support mobile devices with dynamic rendering. Is it hard to do? I don’t know, but that would be my feature request.

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