Now that is something I have never seen!
There is actually not much to it.
Imagine any possible Move activation, and the fictional bit is always a success. Period.
I’ll use FW as a reference, but it works exactly the same in AW and DW and MH and possibly most other PbtA, unless they present some specific exception
PC rolls 1-6 to Sway a merchant to get a discount.
The World describes how YES, you convince them BUT [inject Reaction here].
Maybe I opt to Hit the Issue / Feed the Doubt… so the PC notices how the merchant has probably accepted to give the discount out of desperation due to the current economic crisis.
Maybe I opt to Take Away Their People… so while the PC barters, their friends are led astray by the wares of a nearby stall, and are (for now) lost in the crowd.
PC rolls 1-6 to Take a Risk to hit a difficult mark during an archery contest.
The World describes how YES, you hit the mark as intended BUT [inject Reaction here].
Maybe I opt to Show Signs of Trouble… so the PC notices how the current champion looks at them with unsportsmanlike hatred.
Maybe I opt to Show a Downside to Their Stuff… so while the PC notices their bow starting to strain under pressure. It served them well so far, but could break in two at any moment, or badly fuck up a future shot.
And, specifically to FW, let’s not forget all the Moves that have this approach in-built
PC rolls 1-6 to Look Around to closely examine a suspiciously lifelike statue.
The Move itself states that YES, you notice stuff and get to ask 1 question from the list BUT [inject Reaction here].
Maybe I opt to Inflict Harm… so the PC gets their answer but gets also a stony slap in the face as the statue suddenly animates, inflicting Nasty Harm.
Maybe I opt to Turn Their Move Back on Them… so someone that the PC has not yet spotted gets to ask 2 questions to the PC’s Player from the Look Around list.
But @Paul_T, if you have some specific example that give you trouble, feel free to present it. I’ll do my best to handle it