Why do you use the OSR system you use?

For what it’s worth, since he wrote that @yochaigal has published Cairn, which does a lot of what he describes there. It’s been a minute since I’ve run an OSR game, but when next I do I plan to give Cairn a spin. https://cairnrpg.com/

Edit:. I just saw your other post where you say you’re already running Cairn!


I’m running Cairn at the moment. :). I like it a lot, but it doesn’t hit the PbtA-style emergent narrative as such.

EDIT: I just saw your edit where you say… :smiley:


Yes, I know exactly what you mean. FWIW I use this method (from One Shot World) to do collab worldbuilding in Cairn and other systems.

As for Cairn-ish PbtA… there may be something out there in the form of WoDu hacks these days.

See this list, or Rogue 2e, or Gallowglass, or Down & Out in Dredgeburg, or hell anything in this collection that is PbtA!


These are great links, thanks.

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If you want to see what completely classless looks like then take a gander at Vagabonds of Dyfed, which does that pretty well.

Thanks, I tried Vagabonds when it came out but it wasn’t for me.