The In A Wicked Age reply is running too long so here’s part 1, the footnote to that Canon puncture episode:
First of all, I’m not using the 4 oracles, I made my own. My oracles come in 6 columns (what’s up Valvorik RH):
- An object of desire
- A person in need
- Another person in need
- An event that adds pressure
- An event that adds pressure
- An event that adds pressure that is specifically an abuse of power
So I have rows like the above, thematically related. This is different from the first oracles I created a long time ago. Back when the game came out, I tried writing poetic sounding oracles. I didn’t understand that the elements need to be clear, concrete, and add tension. It needs to do that to help the players launch into play.
Second thing that’s absolutely crucial is the drawing of characters, and the setting of Best Interests. Those are part of drawing an oracle IAWA style. You have to identify the most interesting characters and point them at each other before the Oracle draw is done (/playable). Those best interests offer to the table things that could be at stake for the session.
Crucial to understand that those steps are needed, not just the randomizer.