+1 Forward - FitD Series - Wicked Ones

Rach and Rich continue their second Summer Series. This series covers games in the Forged in the Dark (FitD) style of PbtA games. This fourth episode features Ben Nielson, creator of Wicked Ones, from Bandit Camp.

00:01:23 - Setting Position and Effect - making Devil’s Bargains
00:11:32 - Progress Clock on Wicked Ones
00:20:40 - The Score - Rich and Rach populate a dungeon level and send some adventurers through

You can purchase Wicked Ones here (affiliate link): https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/338480/Wicked-Ones-Deluxe-Edition?affiliate_id=78493
Bandit Camp can be located here: https://banditcamp.io/