Apocalypse World: Nocturne

It’s Christmas in June! Let’s go to a lovely and weird winter in Apocalypse World! Welcome to Nocturne, a world where several generations ago the sun set and never came back up. A world where two moons eerily drift around the world keeping everything in eternal dusk and a single season.

Winter is here, and winter is harsh. Come and carve your name into a world that rime remembered and hope you can find solace in the warmth that is left.

This is an Apocalypse World 2nd Edition game and is set for Sundays 1pm CDT in June.

Session 1: https://gauntlet-hangouts.firebaseapp.com/event-detail/-LcC_uyazBMLgvIWyyqD
Session 2: https://gauntlet-hangouts.firebaseapp.com/event-detail/-LcCaSOrOJR3Oi5im7cc
Session 3: https://gauntlet-hangouts.firebaseapp.com/event-detail/-LcCafCR57fHMoqDdygm
Session 4: https://gauntlet-hangouts.firebaseapp.com/event-detail/-LcCarqAyowy8S_3B8Gw
Session 5: https://gauntlet-hangouts.firebaseapp.com/event-detail/-LcCb76vo0lpP9jRCqtB