Cairn/Himbos: Demon Drive To The Maw (a couple of one-shots in December)

(Edited to fix the Cairn link)

One spot in the Himbos game is saved for José. One spot in the Cairn game is saved for Blake Ryan. I don’t recommend signing up for both of these games, but if you really want to, please don’t sign up for the second for at least 48 hours.

I thought I’d try running this adventure in two different systems, partly bc I am interested in how different it turns out but partly just bc it seems like a really fun adventure and I wanna play both these games.

Himbos is a rules-light fantasy game by Maxwell Lander about big, bold, brave, compassionate but not particularly smart adventurers of all genders. Cairn is a rules-light fantasy game by Yochai Gal about more standard hardscrabble adventurer types, based on Into The Odd. Both are OSR-influenced but Himbos has a fairly light, campy tone and Cairn has a more desperate-and-deadly playstyle. No rules knowledge is required and all rules will be taught during play.

Demon Driven To The Maw is a module by Brad Kerr that sees the party track down the thief of a magical jewel to a castle where a big party is underway. Of course, something terrible is happening at the party, but maybe you can still retrieve the jewel and escape with your lives.

Subject matter in these games will include alcohol use, peril to a child, claustrophobia and violence. We’ll use safety tools including lines and veils, the X card and the open door, and the games will run under the Gauntlet Community Code of Conduct.

I’ve listed both games for four hours to make sure we have enough time, but expect we’ll finish closer to three hours.

I’ll email players prior to the sessions to share play materials and other details.
