Hi there. I’m drafting a hack of For the Queen tentatively titled It Always Ends in Fire, about a doomed conspiracy to usher the world to its end. I’m using ordinary playing cards and oracles instead of custom cards, to make it easier to get out into the world.
Hearts, diamonds, and clubs prompt players to consult the oracles. Spades are placed in the middle of the table as “Premonitions,” and when enough Premonitions have been drawn, the players answer the question “Do you do your part to usher the world to its end?” Like FtQ, I’d like to have a suggested number of Premonitions for a short game and a long game, but I am totally ignorant of playing-card math.
Is there an engine that can calculate the likelihood of drawing a certain number of cards in a suit within a total number of draws? Or (even easier) games with similar mechanics I could look at to get a sense of how others have handled this? Thanks in advance!