CBR+PNK Boxed Set is LIVE on KS

:exclamation:GET READY, RUNNER:exclamation:

Elected one of the best indie RPGs of 2021 by Polygon, CBR+PNK is coming to print in a slick deluxe package with revised and expanded rules and brand new content!

This project has been made possible by the incredible enthusiasm and support by Ray Chou and Vincenzo Ferriero from Mythopoeia (The Wildsea, Pro Patria Mori). They too have been working hard to bring to life the best version of this game.

Now we ask you to join forces and give your support in any way you can!
Jack in and pledge. Talk about it on social media. Let the data flow.

DO YOU ACCEPT? [Y̶̛͖͙͖͓͉̤̌̿̿̂́/N]

:arrow_forward: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mythopoeia/cbr-pnk/