Crowdfunding Collection #120, including every tabletop rpg project started between 09/22 and 10/07

I present to you the new Crowdfunding Collection #120, including every tabletop rpg project started between 09/22 and 10/07.

Following a small break, I return to present no fewer than 14 English RPGs and a whole bunch of Spanish and French ones.
To start the list I’d like to direct you to Little Monster Detectives by Nosolorol. The project funds the translation of the Spanish games that is made for kids and with kids in mind. If you like to have a in-depth look at how it works, I highly suggest checking out the review at the GMS Magazine YouTube channel by Paco Jean. If I had children, I would have backed the game enthusiastically. Back to an older demographic, the vs. KICKSTARTER 2 projects does attempt to fund three micro games at one. You’ll have the choice between post-apocalyptic action, killing Hitler or fighting in mechs, which sounds like a fun mix. The Charm Universal RPG does offer more to read, yet it keeps the character sheet down to the size of a business card, has a universal approach and looks quite cool and colorful. Ross Rifles does contrast it by putting the player characters in the trenches of a war, fitting them with a Powered by the Apocalypse to survive (or not?). If you consider that to be a bit heavy, maybe take a look at Drinking Quest: Old Habits and combine gaming with drinking (responsible tho, imho).
Which does offer a nice transfer into the Fantasy Genre. For this you’ll find the Savage Worlds based Gods and Masters on the one hand. It offers urban guerrilla fights mixed into the fantasy stuff. Which I find a bit dazzling but not as dazzling as electric powered steam-tech that’s provided with Nuadan Chronicles on the other hand.
Less confusing and more cool you might like to checkout Haunted West for an entry into the Weird West genre. Chris Spivey, who previously gave me the splendid Harlem Unbound sourcebook, explores the weird west from the perspective of people that tend to get the short stick in the Genre. Given that I liked his previous work am genuinely tempted. Another interesting project in regards of weird alternative history is Agon, which offers you heroic stories in a mythic world – which I take to be a take on ancient Greece. It’s designed by John Harper (Blades in the Dark) and published by Evil Hat, thus well worth having a look.
From fantasy to science fiction RECLAIMER sparked my interest. Befitting to current political challenges it addresses a climate crisis in the future and an eco-insurgence that aims to battle it. The game looks great and uses the tested system of Cryptomancer, thus am tempted. If you are more interested in a space punk take on the SF genre, check out. Dark Stars and it’s d100 system to go of on adventures.
Seekers Beyond The Shroud is a solo-rpg and has the player explore the literal occult underground, braving various dangers. It looks great, is right in my ball park and the project in this list that has me tempted the most. Though there’s more urban fantasy like Visigoths vs. Mall Goths. With the Visigoths looking like Visigoths had a crash into Visual Key while being dragged through the 80s. I have neither a connection to Visigoths nor to Mall Goths, though if you do, take a look! Last but not least there’s Night Shift. The Urban Fantasy game uses the O.G.R.E.S system by Elf Lair Games that apparently is OGL inspired. You might play stuff like Buffy, Charmed or an Urban Fantasy setting of your own device. For which the game provides interesting classes, various playstyles and mechanics. It’s well worth having a look.
There are many more cool projects. Like the gamebooks Destiny’s Role 1 or Escape from Darkmoor Keep. The marvelously sparkling 2020 Glitter Dice and many more, just take a look:

A brief word, before the list. Sadly currently the evidence is suggesting that Kickstarter might have fired two of its workers for trying to form a union (Kickstarter accused of union-busting after firing workers). Kickstarter does in general oppose Unions, will do anything against them and spreads the usual company propaganda against them (Kickstarter To Workers and Project Creators: Drop Dead).
I personally think that shitty and sucks. It did effectively dampened my enthusiasm for backing stuff on their platform. Well, that and doing my bookkeeping. It ain’t meant as a call for boycott, cause in the end it hits the creators, more something that happend, that’s of relevance and maybe worth knowing/considering.

English Crowdfundings

5 Role-Playing Games
2 Fantasy Role-Playing Games
2 Mythic & Weird Fantasy Role-Playing Games
2 Science Fiction Role-Playing Games
3 Urban Fantasy Role-Playing Games
2 Gamebooks
4 Sourcebooks
2 Settings
6 Adventures
5 Dice Projects
2 Accessoires
2 Playing Cards
4 Maps & Minis
2 Various RPG Projects
2 Other games with RPG relevance

Spanish Crowdfundings

3 Role-Playing Games

French Crowdfundings

4 Role-Playing Games

Italian Crowdfundings

1 Adventure
