Crowdfunding Collection #121, including every tabletop rpg project started between 10/07 and 10/13

I present to you the new Crowdfunding Collection #121, including every tabletop rpg project started between 10/07 and 10/13.

This week I discovered and am very enthusiastic about Moth Children, A Vampire TTRPG created by Dane Asmund. I am really intruiged by the idea to combine moth, and their mythological background, with the creation and existence of vampires and thus genuinely curious with and fascinated by the setting. It’s, at least for me, a excitingly novel approach to vampires and addition to the genre. The mechanics is based on two wheels – one the ST have and one each player has – which I consider interesting. The playtest of the game offers insight in what it will become and I trust the creator based on previous projects. I do highly recommend that you take a look at the project and back it.
Another project I backed and recommend is Doikayt: A Jewish TTRPG Anthology. It offers a collection of short tabletop roleplaying games about Judaism or Jewish themes, written and illustrated by Jews. From what I’ve seen currently the anthology includes about ten games offering quite a variety in topic. I do recommend that you take a look and backed it myself as it ready very enticing.
If you are more interested in historical fantasy, you should take a look at Wolves of God. The game uses England during the Dark Ages setting and the system of Stars without Numbers for the game mechanics, being quite close to B/X.
For more fantasy you might take a look at Advanced Fantasy, a d100 based system that has been created with love for complex and challenging games in mind. Then there’s Warden’s Game. The project does offer rather little information in regards to setting or system yet appears to be a labour of love.
The gamebook in this collection Destiny Dez, Drum of Destiny, is being created with very young children in mind, and offers an entry to role-playing games.
Then, if your interested in Larps, you might like to try Twain. A small larp for one player. Which I find a quite curious concept.
There are other quite interesting projects, like the Fantasy World Creator, which allows to easily create maps and tiles for D&D anbd other games. There are adventures aimed at the whole family and kids like Big Book of Amazing Tales and The Legend of Gimcrack Jack. Well or dice accessoire like the Dice Crypt or the Unity Dice Necklace. Next to many other, interesting projects, which you can see here:

English Crowdfundings

5 Role-Playing Games
1 Gamebook
2 Settings
3 D&D Settings
3 Sourcebooks
2 Supplements
1 Adventure
2 Adventures for the Family
3 Dice Projects
2 Accessoires
1 Soundscape
2 App Projects
2 RPG Comics
2 RPG Gifts
1 Save a Crowdfunding Campaign
3 Various RPG Projects

German Crowdfundings

1 Sourcebook

French Crowdfundings

2 Role-Playing Games
