Crowdfunding Collection #122, including every tabletop rpg project started between 10/13 and 10/30

I present to you the new Crowdfunding Collection #122, including every tabletop rpg project started between 10/13 and 10/30.

Following quite a break, as I enjoyed PDXcon and SPIEL, I am back at an unusual weekday. The collection covers 17 days, which has seen quite some projects started and other closed. For 7 projects I’ve been to late, you’ll find them at the end of this post. Thus, to lose no more, let’s start.

Voidheart is essentially a Urban Fantasy game. You play mundane human beings who discover that there is more to the world than they knew and have to fight back against a variety of creatures. Jay Iles describe it as being about a psychic rebellion and compares it to works like Psychonauts, Persona 5 and Inception. The PbtA games overs a quickstart and I suggest you take a look. The Ruin has a quickstart as well. Though it’s rather based on D&D 5E and offers a post-apocalyptic setting to explore and survive. I do quite like the illustrations. Which is as well a cool aspect of Renascentia. The originally Italian game takes the peninsula as a setting and enriches it with magic and enchantments apparently set in what I would call „somewhat medieval to renaissance“ times. With Arcana Academy you’ll find a PbtA game that aims to over the experience of attending Hogwarts (Harry Potter) or Brakebills (Magicians), apparently taking a lighter take on the latter.
If you are yearning for Fantasy, take a look at Era: Lost Legend. The game is the newest addition to the Era-system family and aims to provide a Final Fantasy style gaming experience; take a look. Against the Darkmaster does offer classical fantasy sagas and by it’s own claims „heavy metal combat“. Which it does provide by a simple d100 system and the illustration, save from the opulent thumbnail, look OSR-style to me. If you prefer your fantasy D&D 5E style, just take a look at The Dark Forest.
If you are looking for an interesting take on survival horror, take a look at Survival of the Able. You’ll be playing people with disabilities during the medieval times in western Europe and next to the normal ailments of the era there are zombies too! It does use a custom tailored version of fudge as its system. While I likely won’t back it, it’s an interesting idea and I recommend having a look. You’ll find another horror RPG in All is Madness. The characters have to confront their fears or die. While the project doesn’t say a lot about it’s system, $10 isn’t that expensive and it might be worth having a look – a rather quick one as it has only hours left on its clock.
If you prefer Science Fiction, you might like to check out Space Kings. The card based game invites improvisation to have your characters and crews stand up to the government. Spaced does offer a more classic approach with a d100 system and its developers experience Delve. You’ll be crashing with your space ship and got to explore your crash site. If you like detailed, original settings, check out Swords and Spaceships. The project doesn’t talk that much about the system, but looks nice and talks a lot about its setting.
Western are basically Science Fiction in historical, at least some SF. With Devil’s Staircase you can take your dusty cowboy boots on and engage in the wild west. It is a diceless rules-light game and the InDemand phase will only last for like 2 more days. If you like your West with Elves, Orcs and other fantasy creatures, check out Gaval Tales. It has them all and uses d8 and d12 at least.
If you fancy game books, you’ll find a quite traditional one with The Necronomicon Gamebook – Carcosa. Pitch Black is more unconventional, by basically being an audio based gamebook. Well, and Spire’s End does approach the gamebook theme with cards. Plus it is the one that tempts me most.
Matt Colvilles sourcebook Kingdoms, Warfare & More Minis! got me to actually back it, as I like the topic and are curious about his take. There are, of course, many more very interesting, cool projects, just check the collection:

English Crowdfundings

4 Role-Playing Games
3 Fantasy Role-Playing Games
2 Horror Role-Playing Games
3 Science Fiction Role-Playing Games
2 Wild West Role-Playing Games
1 Gamebook
1 Audio-Gamebook
1 Card-Gamebook
2 Settings
3 Magazines
3 Sourcebooks
6 D&D 5E Sourcebooks
3 Adventures
5 D&D 5E Adventures
3 Dice Projects
1 Dice Coin
4 Accessoires
1 Deck of Cards
1 App
2 Enamel Pins
2 Maps & Tokens
2 Various RPG Projects

German Crowdfundings

1 Sourcebook

Spanish Crowdfundings

1 Role-Playing Game
1 Sourcebook
1 Adventure

French Crowdfundings

4 Role-Playing Games
3 Dark Fantasy Role-Playing Games
1 Sourcebook

Started and already Done

7 Projects
