Crowdfunding Collection #133 – Part 2 of 3 – Zine Quest, including every tabletop rpg project started between 02/02 and 02/09 up till 8pm

I present to you the new Crowdfunding Collection #133 – Part 2 of 3 – Zine Quest, including every tabletop rpg project started between 02/02 and 02/09 up till 8pm.

The collection is a bit delayed, because I am currently dealing with some personal stuff and because of the massive amount of projects – that’s 44 full games! Next to that, to make it a bit digestible, I split the collection into three parts:
Crowdfunding Collection #133 – Part 1 of 3
Crowdfunding Collection #133 – Part 3 of 3 – Zine Quest

Memoria is a game about the (long) stories and histories of characters, which are explored at a similar scale as Microscope develops settings. It’s not a game that is wholly new for the zine quest, but rather a polish of an existing one – and I couldn’t resist. An Imminent Spark offers an even bigger rame. As custodians of a dying world you’ll oversee the last moments of the old which will spark into a new world. Which isn’t much of a relieve for all those people and creatures that will die and be lost. Back to the small scale, the diceless Nova Commonwealth has you research magic-technic stuff. With the whole little game being basically a small glimpse at a larger system that will be created later. Then there’s Lost Ruins, in which you play climate migrantes in a long forgotten time in a fantasy world. The system is inspired by games like A Quite Year and Legacy Life Among Ruins. It utilizes a d6 and aims to be modular. I am very tempted to back it. If you rather play a city, take a look at Procession. Where you assume the role of a city or town that has to deal with monsters and other creatures in creative ways. Despite the illustrations of Wendel Dietterlin I do associate it somewhat with the Netflix show Hilda – which I like.
In take root you’ll be venturing into a dungeon and return to your village to do normal „life“ stuff, like farming dating and such. Basically I’d call it „Dungeons & Stardew Valley“, a quite interesting thought. If you are more up for hitting monsters, check out Abstract Dungeon, it looks quite traditional.
Well, in traditional dungeons characters die, and if they do you might like to pull out CANDLELIGHT. The one-shot game and supplement to Trophy enables you to play fresh spirits in a one-shot session. A nice idea. Why are the characters dead? Maybe They Cried Monster? In this game you may freely decide if you want to help the humans or „people“ to murder a monstrous thread or if you maybe want to team up with the „monster“ as maybe the people are more monstrous. Another very cool idea. You might like to directly play little dragons in Shortlived Shenanigans and venture onto adventures. Well, and if you like it bigger, not big, maybe check out Snomes. Snow gnomes, which got to brave adventures of their own.
Back to reality, you might try out to form your – very real – body with LIFTS and the Powered by the Apokalypse system. If you don’t want to move that much, but rather play with bad camping trips, take a look at Campfire Memories, a game that’s Powered by the Apocalypse as well.
Maybe you rather be a knight. A fae knight in Ever In Her Sight. In this tarot based game you are tasked to bring back a treasure for your queen. A quest that will cost you. Then there’s Fax in Tenebris. A game that takes knights and their crusades and focusses on the challenges to their faith and the horror. It uses a PbtA inspired system, and at just 5$, which convinced me to back it.
You might like it with a more surreal touch, like is presented in Dream World Mercenaries. You’ll dive into the dreams of others, try not to get lost and to retrieve things. The concept is fascinating and given the topic at hand I think its good that it uses the X-Card prominently. Then there is Atrocity Archives, a project by Dane Asmund, which has you dive into the motivs of a mind and destruct this as well as the physical character sheet. Another fascinating idea and a project I do recommend. Maybe you only like to have your artworks surreal but more like a OSR-game system, in which case you should check out The Grizzle – which offers at least a very fascinating thumbnail illustration.
There are of course many zines that are not whole games but offer other contents. For example One of Us: Sideshow Salvation in a Dystopian Dustbowl offers a very cool setting for DCC. While Not Pretty But Wonderful promises to get creatives very drunk and publish the resulting interview. The Neronomizine offers eldritch horror for various games and Dungeons & Dilemmas quite some predicaments to place your players in. A Fine Mess offers a cool heist adventure and Zine-o-Map map.
You find these and many more cool projects here:

English Crowdfundings

5 Role-Playing Games
2 Dungeon Role-Playing Games
4 Creatures Role-Playing Games
2 Realistic Role-Playing Games
2 Knight Role-Playing Games
3 Surreal Role-Playing Games
2 Settings
6 Supplements
2 Encounter
4 Adventures
2 Map Projects


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You may be the master of the segues!

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Thank you, I do try my best to make my little summary nice to read :relaxed:

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Even though I am on a similar thread on rpggeek, the way you stitch them together and find all sorts of extra weird random intriguing entries keeps me following your posts here.