Crowdfunding Collection #137, including every tabletop rpg project started between 03/01 and 03/22

I present to you the new Crowdfunding Collection #137, including every tabletop rpg project started between 03/01 and 03/22.

Thanks to COVID-19 and other hassles I had to delay the crowdfunding collection. Which in consequence means you got plenty of projects to enjoy while your practicing social distancing. Sadly, some projects finished before I got this collection done. Seeing that they are more than usual, I decided to give them a brief post-closure shoutout.

Though, let’s get to the projects. First and foremost I wouldlike to highlight Bloodsworn. It’s a vampire game that uses the Ironsworn system. Thus enabling to design the vampire setting and mythos to your liking. The game can be played with a group and a GM, without a GM and even solo. I am enticed with the idea, the concept and the presentation and do highly recommend it. Check it out, it does still need quite some funding. A game that doesn’t need to really wrestle for funding is the 2nd edition of World Wide Wrestling. The cool wrestling rpg, get a well deserved polish and new edition, still with a powered by the apocalypse system and slam dunking the system. Before my sports metaphors get more off track, let’s take a look at Magonomia. The game offers a fantasy renaissance setting with an interesting take on magic and spiritism. If you like Fate, take a look. I think it deserves it. If you rather prefer a more traditional fantasy game, check out the third edition of Savage Kingdoms. It appears quite competent. As does the superhero game Ascendant. I didn’t get to much into the details, but the system seems well laid out and quite a lot of backers love it. Agnomely is a smaller game. On the one hand you’ll be playing gnomes which are small creatures. On the other hand, it comes as a zine. Take a look at that cutey. If you rather have one system and decide the genre for your self, why not take a glance at Dice & Capital?
I personally like the Mecha and Science Fiction genre and Beam Saber has you covered with both. Seeing your mechas head out to kick ass and do missions. It comes with a Forged in the Dark system and I am tempted. Maybe you prefer cyberpunk instead?Then you should take a look at the PbtA like game Ascendancy – well and Cyborgs are kinda fleshy mechas ^^;
Sometimes, in the time of social distancing, you might like to play a good ol‘ solo ttrpg. In which case there’s Monsters! Monsters. That’s if you like a traditional fantasy setting and would like to have an adventure inclided. Then there’s Foolscap Octavo RPG Zines, in which you’ll get the solo game Phantasticine, a game that might help you sleep (unironically), the supplement Substratum about exploring mindscapes, and and Laser Beams Like So Many Stars in which you can cheer for mecha (pilots). Last but not least there is the 2021 Quest Calendar: A Year of Adventure where you’ll get an adevnture each day, to explore. Very cool.
There are of course many other interesting projects. Like the impressively illustrated Izirion’s Enchiridion of the West Marches campaign, the Legendlore setting by Onyx Path for D&D 5E, the Multiverse online platform or the Keyfish Crit dice that got lil‘ fishies inside or the Dice Soap & Token Snowglobe Dice that have lil‘ skulls (and other things) inside. I couldn’t resist those.
Of course I couldn’t resist Vampire: The Masquerade – Vendetta either. It’s a fast, competitive card game placed in the V:tM setting with tons of cool goodies. Check it out!
You’ll find those, and many more cool projects, here:

English Crowdfundings

7 Role-Playing Games
2 Science Fiction Role-Playing Games
4 Solo Role-Playing Games
1 Settings
6 D&D 5E Settings
4 Sourcebooks
6 D&D Sourcebooks
1 Adventure
2 DCC Adventures
10 D&D Adventures
10 Dice Projects
6 Dice Accessoires
2 Coin Projects
3 Organizer Accessoires
3 Book Accessoires
2 Accessoires
1 Online Tool
6 Deck of Cards & Map Projects
2 Notebooks
1 Soundscape
2 Enamel Pins
3 Various Projects
2 Projects with RPG Relevance

German Crowdfundings

1 Publisher Patreon
1 Supplement

Spanish Crowdfundings

3 Role-Playing Games

French Crowdfundings

3 Role-Playing Games
1 Accessoire

Swedish Crowdfundings

1 Sourcebook

Ended Projects

11 Projects


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