Howdy folks. The threads on different methods of advancement and XP, and on information design for character sheets, has me thinking about my advancement system for Plunderlight and how it’s tracked on the sheet. Image and transcription below:
Skills, Relationships, & Reputations
Characters advance their Skill, Relationship, and Reputation values by accruing Progress. In the Character Folio, Progress is tracked using the squares under each Skill, Relationship, and Reputation entry.Image demonstrating marking progress boxes below the main skill entry
To improve a Skill, Relationship, or Reputation, the character must accrue Progress equal to 6 + the current value. This is tracked on the sheet by filling in the small rectangles above each progress segment.
Progress is primary accrued by taking Downtime Actions as described on page ?? of this booklet.
Special: Advancing Skills Through Use
Whenever a character uses a Skill during free play or a Delve, not during Downtime, they mark an empty circle on their Skill entry as shown below.Image demonstrating marking empty circles in the main skill entry.
At the start of the nest Downtime phase, erase these marks and advance that Skill’s Progress by an equal amount, as shown below.
Image demonstrating moving marks from the circles in the main skill entry to the progress boxes underneath the main skill entry.
So, I’m looking for:
General constructive feedback on the mechanics of skill progression.
General feedback on the graphic/information design around it.
Some notes:
In playtesting I frequently have to remind players to mark their sheet when they use skills. This might be a product of playtesting.
The skill advancement subsystem is my attempt to refine Burning Wheel style advancement. Or, at least, The Burning Wheel is the major inspiration behind it (with a sprinkle of Blades in the Dark).
Thanks for your time and attention!