Freebooters on the Frontier 2e Discussion

I am with @chrisshorb as someone who only recently discovered FotF2e, and fell in love with it so much that I read all 500+ Posts it seems like posting it here seems safe enough… Also I did not yet meet any “bad actor” in this niche of the Internet.
On a different Note if anyone is interested in a German translation of the Moves and the Playbooks I am done with that… endet up layouting with Scribus. Also @jasonlutes I have seen that your work (Perilous Wilds / Deeps, Almanacs, and Monster-Manual) is being or is already translated by “System Matters” in Germany if you get to the finished Product I would really love if they would do FotF2e (also does it help you financially if I buy those German Books?.. sure hope so).

@Motive_Zine I also found Foundry VTT and the DW is really nice there, be sure to tell us if you or anybody else starts integrating the FotF2e Playbooks and random tables.

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Happy to hear that, @Medugenus. System Matters did an amazing job on the German edition of The Perilous Wilds and those other books, so I would love to work with them on this project if it’s of interest to them. Since the text of my games is CC-BY (reusers can distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format, so long as attribution is given to the creator, and commercial use is allowed), I asked for a token one-time payment, so I don’t see any further $ from additional purchases, but they seem like good people, so I encourage you to support them!


@jasonlutes @Medugenus

RE: Foundry VTT: Several things have driven me to look at it as possible replacement to Roll20

  1. A lot of it is esthetic. It looks sooo much better than Roll20. There are tons of free modules that allow one to add simple effects that make the game a little more immersive - animated fog, little bats flying through the caves, weather. Grid-based games like 5e, have a ton of extra modules that are not a draw for me, but I am freaking impressed how it can handle a lot of immersive “fog of war” effects like, dynamic lighting, animated lighting individualized “sight” for each PC species, doors, windows, etc.

  2. There are several games, beyond 5e, that are being actively worked on – it is early days for this VTT – but I want to put a pin on actively. Look at the dates as to the last updates. I have been following these for over a week, and this is the norm. Lots of community support for the programmers.

  3. One of the game modules (Sandbox) is supposed to support building your own character sheets. I am working my way through some tutorials on this, hopefully it will work. I mean, I know it works, hopefully I can figure it out… It would be nice to do play testing for my own stuff and have it look great.

  4. Choice. You buy a license once for the game. You can host it on your own computer, build a server, or partner with two companies doing hosting. I love the model.

Anyone building character sheets for Freebooters?


No. Here is the current list:

Hey y’all!

I have recently discovered this brilliant game, read the play-test books and all 586 of these forum posts, and am super excited to put together a group and try it out! You’re creating something really cool here. Anyway, I want to start with a funnel but I’m a bit conflicted on how the two collaborative-world building systems presented in “Funnel” and “Basic Rules” are supposed to mesh.

I really like the campaign features/ wilderness regions parts of “See the Frontier” (since it feels like it would really serve as a great source of inspiration while prepping) but I also like the intimate feeling of fleshing out the home village.

Maybe one way to combine the two methods is to substitute the village creation rules from the funnel into step 4 of “See the Frontier”. I fear that may take too long though. Thoughts?

Also we’re coming from a predominantly OSR/5e/Pathfinder background though I ran a short Scum-and-Villainy campaign. I understand this is a playtest doc, but some gm-advice in the vein of BitD in the final version would be great. Any tips to keep in mind for a smooth world-building session + funnel?

I’m planning on running something inspired by this excellent DCC session report.


Welcome @Kingroy23!

The final version of The Funnel will incorporate guidelines for bridging the gap between those two different parts of wordbuilding. Until then, I suggest the following

  1. Stick to the village creation as written for the funnel adventure.

  2. During the village creation process, and during the funnel itself, take note of any details that arise that point to or suggest something about the wider world. For instance, if the villagers find gold coins, it suggests that there are gold mines and a minting operation somewhere (or at least that those things once existed); if they encounter a dwarf (or if one of their number is a dwarf), it raises questions about what parts of the world are inhabited by dwarves. If these things are of immediate interest, you can and should ask questions about them, but if they’re not just write them down for future reference.

  3. Play the funnel adventure to completion. Give the villagers time to regroup, celebrate their survival, and choose their level 1 playbooks.

  4. Follow the “See the Frontier” procedure in the basic rules, but start by drawing their village in the middle of the map. Skip steps 3 and 4, and tailor the addition of new material in steps 7-10 to suit your group; villagers don’t usually know much about lost civilizations or what’s beyond the next mountain range, but they’ll certainly know rumors and stories. As you have this conversation and add things to the map, refer back to your list of things that came up during play and ask questions about those things: “Where do gold coins come from? Is there a royal mint somewhere, or are they artifacts of some bygone era?” “Where does the nearest dwarf clan dwell?” etc.


Sweet, thanks for all the advice. Sounds like a great plan to me :smiley:

Found this on Twitter.


Just checking - did the L&B Slack happen? Not trying to nag, just want to make sure I didn’t miss a beat somewhere in this discussion.

Not yet! It’s set up, but I need to do a little homework to make sure I have things in order before I open it up. Will get it done over the weekend.


Okay, here’s the invite link to the Lampblack & Brimstone Slack. This link should expire in 11 days, so if I don’t renew it and you want in, PM me via this forum.

I will still answer questions and whatnot if they get posted here, but I’d like to make the Slack the main discussion venue.

I’m sure there are probably things I need to do to improve the Slack, so suggestions are welcome!


Is there no way to register for Slack without a Google or business email address?

Hi @OzBlake – After looking into it, it appears that I may need to approve certain domains on the admin side. Post your email domain here or PM it to me, and I’ll add it to the approved list.

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Mine is

But wouldn’t approving that whole domain mean any randomer with an domain could join?

According to Slack, you still need the invite link to join.

EDIT: @OzBlake, when I try to enter Slack says, “Sorry! You can’t use”

PM me your email address and I’ll see if I can send you an invite directly.

I’m guessing that - work focussed as Slack is - it doesn’t support generic email addresses (other than Google ones, which can be associated with Google Docs?)

I’ll send you a PM though to try!

Forgive me, but I’m not seeing any way to send a PM in this forum. If you do see this Jason I adore FotT and ran an entire campaign of it here in Osaka. I’d love to get an invite to the slack.


It’s an anti-spam mechanism. You have to reach trust level 1 to be able to PM people. The requirements are:

  • Entering at least 5 topics
  • Reading at least 30 posts
  • Spend a total of 10 minutes reading posts

By the time you read this, you’ve got TL1. :wink: