FYI: A number of email providers will not accept mail from us (including Yahoo and Hotmail)

If the email address you set as your primary address is from any of the following providers you will not receive email from this site:

The account signup workflow has been updated to not accept email addresses from these providers. If you use an email address from one of these providers as your email address for one of the other login systems (Google, Discord, etc.) you can still sign up and log in, but you will never receive any email from the site. (So no email notifications of any sort.)

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Since no Yahoo and rocketmail, probably no ymail too

Are you aware of why this is? I ask because this is something I work on professionally and Iā€™d be more then happy to help.

Sometimes you end up on block list sites like spamhause. Or the email address needs to get proper spf records.