Girl Underground is a tabletop roleplaying game about a curious girl in a wondrous world, inspired by Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Labyrinth, The Wizard of Oz, Spirited Away, and similar tales. These three sessions are four-hour one-shots - Please don’t sign up for all three until others have had a chance . Additionally, I am reserving two spots for Companions - each RSVP can bring along a friend to join them in the session! Each session will be followed by an optional debrief. These sessions will be recorded, and shared at the participants’ discretion.
The Gauntlet Inclusivity Policy will be in play and Script Change will be in use.
2019-08-17T17:00:00Z → 2019-08-17T21:00:00Z Session A
2019-08-24T17:00:00Z → 2019-08-24T21:00:00Z Session B
2019-08-31T17:00:00Z → 2019-08-31T21:00:00Z Session C