Hearts of Wulin Basic Moves

I was listening to the Talking Hearts of Wulin recording, and looking at the handouts and was reminded of something I found a while ago but didn’t comment on.

This is Comfort and Support from the book:
When you assist a fellow PC, roll.
ON A HIT, you lift them up: they may choose to give you a Bond with them or clear a marked Element.
ON A 10+, you may also clear an Element yourself, ask them a question they must answer, or give them a Bond with you.
In a scene, you may use this move to aid someone before or after a roll. Spend a Bond you just created with them to give them a +1 to their roll.

This is Comfort and support from both the Core Moves and Core Moves (Printer Friendly) handouts:
When you assist a fellow PC, roll.
On a hit you lift them up: they may choose to give you a Bond with them or clear a marked Element.
On a 7-9 you may also clear an Element yourself, ask them a question they must answer, give them a Bond with you, or gain +1 Influence (Courtly).
In a scene, you may use this move to aid someone before or after a roll. Spend a Bond you just created with them to give them a +1 to their roll

Bolding mine.

It seems to me like this is probably just an error in the handouts, but since it’s been around for a while now (I downloaded the most recent copy of the Core Moves from DTRPG just to check) so I thought I’d try to bring it to someone’s attention.


I rely heavily on the handouts over the book, so I appreciate you bringing this to my attention before this move comes up during play.

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Thanks for bringing this up! I’ve passed it on to Jason at Gauntlet Publishing.

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