In regards to the sign-in issue— we’ve found that clearing your cache and cookies in the browser usually resolves sign-in and sign-up issues. If it doesn’t, tell me (along with system and browser info) and I’ll look at what the next steps are to resolve that.
I find that Chrome does not allow me access to sign in to RSVP while any other browser does. Ironic, of course, because we need Gmail accounts to login to the forums. Then, it works just fine.
In the past most Chrome issues have been resolved by clearing the cache and/or cookies. Anecdotally I have heard of a couple of users who had issues when combined with certain Ad Blockers or Proxies, but its been a while since that’s popped up so I don’t know the details.
Thanks for posting the details, @dontnormally. I’d encountered the same obstacle and figured I’d come back every month or so to see if it resolved. Clearing all the browser caches did it .