A very generic games based on WoDu might be close to this, but even then is this a modern, ancient world, fantasy or SF setting? Those are opinions and how you build a character will set a certain tone and impose at least some genre expectations.
The classic low-opinion game system is probably GURPS. It’s specifically designed to be able to flex into various setting and game genres. But even there the skills lusts you choose to make available to the characters influence the tools they have available to tackle problems.
The reason I think most PBTA games are very opinionated is that moves shape the characters possible it likely responses to adversity in very opinionated ways versus traditional skill mechanics. Just look at the variation in basic combat moves in various PBTA games. Famously, AW 1e doesn’t even have a simple attack move. What does a non opinionated basic social move look like? Is a non opinionated damage system even possible?
But of course this is where the system gets so much if it’s power. RPGs are about these characters doing this thing. PBTA forces the game designer to make these decisions explicit and that’s a very good thing because it clarifies the privileges given to the players. It makes the social contract very concrete and explicit.