What is this game?
Ma Nishtana: Why is this Night Different? (PLAYTEST) is a GMless, narrative RPG where players tell their own rendition of the Jewish exodus from Egypt , exploring relationships between the characters and making their own choices to deliver the Hebrew people out of peril. This is a story for Jews, non-Jews, and the Jew-“ish”. All are welcome around the table.
Setting Expectations
This game distorts the Exodus story. It also reorganizes and excludes certain conventional components of the Seder. As such this experience may be challenging for some. “Lines and veils”, the “x-card”, and an open door policy will be safety tools encouraged to use in this game. We will take a break every hour.
How to Play
Ma Nishtana is played in a series of scenes, called “Rituals”. At the start of the game everyone selects a character. A designated Ritual Guide (RG) sets the scene and guides a discussion about how it should be staged. All players collaborate to establish the story’s details. There are no dice.
What should I prepare?
Something to drink
Something you do not particularly like, but are willing to eat
Something dirty and something to clean it with
Something that is old or has been in your life for a long time
Something you can break or rip
Content Warnings:
Oppression, violence, religious discrimination. This game distorts and takes liberties with the conventional Passover narrative.
When is the Playtest?
When does a general sign up open?
12/07 12pm Tokyo Time/ 12/06 10 PM EST
What else should I know?
Emails with the zoom link and play materials will be sent three days prior to the event. This is a one-shot game.
Link to the current “Ma Nishtana: Why is this Night Different?” PDF