Posting on behalf of the GM, Leah Sarge:
Masks: Freaky Friday
(Image credit:
It was a normal day in Halcyon City—killer robots, mutated scientists, invading aliens, whatever. But then something went wrong and your intrepid team all wound up in the wrong bodies.
Because of the premise of this two-shot, you should sign up only if you plan to play in both sessions. You must RSVP to each session you wish to attend.
The session is scheduled for 3 hours. It will be recorded and posted on YouTube (if all players agree). One slot is reserved for @Alexi_Sarge.
In this two-shot, players will create characters, establish team backstory, and then begin an adventure. At some point, you’ll get into more trouble than you bargained for and the whole team will wind up scrambled. The Delinquent might end up passing for the trusted Legacy, the Transformed could be freed from her monstrous form only to find she’s now… the Outsider (“C’mon!”). It’ll be up to you and the dice to see if you get back to your original bodies. (Oh, and save the day).
Switching bodies will mean switching playbooks. And non-core playbooks may be acceptable, if you run them by me first.
We’ll use Lines and Veils and the X-card as our primary safety tools, and the Open Door policy will be in effect. This series is operating under the Gauntlet’s inclusivity policy, on which more information can be found here (
2019-11-15T01:00:00Z → 2019-11-15T04:00:00Z Session One
2019-11-22T01:00:00Z → 2019-11-22T04:00:00Z Session Two