Micro RPG Mondays - The Calydonian Boar

Public access for this game starts at 2020-05-29T23:00:00Z.

From the worm’s coils to the Golden Throne, all knew of her displeasure. Careless words of tyrant make a travesty of even the greatest sacrifice.

For King Oeneus’s impiety: his people will suffer

No more kingdom, no more Calydon.

To plow the fields of Her new primordial domain, a beast of prodigious might delivered. A forest from a city.

A boar without lack of prey.

  • Ludovico Alves

The Calydonian Boar is a Greek Myth inspired game of epic heroes and their demise at the hands of a monster. Players will each play multiple hunters, who all have been sent to kill the Calydonian Boar. Likely only a select few will survive.

This is a one-shot. The game will take place over Zoom and will be recorded and shared on YouTube with player permission.

The Calydonian Boar was published in Codex: Blood 3. The rules will be taught at the beginning of the session and no prior knowledge is necessary.

Safety Tools

We will be using script change, x-card, lines and veils, and an open door policy. All of these tools will be explained at the start of the session. This game follows The Gauntlet Community Code of Conduct.

2020-06-16T00:00:00Z https://gauntlet-hangouts.firebaseapp.com/event-detail/-M8IQjWYznlLC6WZKeeE