At the campaign level - I want folk to use all their attributes at some stage in a campaign (somewhat like resource management), otherwise not sure how to justify having so many.
A simpler way would be to just have a Lasers&Feelings two-state differentiation. Or maybe a Venn diagram, where players can write stuff in good, bad or the overlapping so-so intersection.
I want this many attributes as I think it helps customise a character and differentiate them from other characters, and I don’t want some of them to be “dump stats”. So possibly the question might be - how do I keep them relevant?
Already we have good stats= successful moves, bad stats= get XP but fail at a move. With the added tension of the fiction specifying some stats can’t be used in all occasions and forcing a player to use something out of their comfort zone. Because often the fiction will not justify the use of any attribute for any move.
Also I should add - you can’t spend XP currently to improve you attributes. You keep them for life (or until the fiction justifies something so drastic)