New to the new forums, hope it is kosher to post about your own products here…if not, delete away.
I just finished my first new 'zine in decades and since it was inspired by the Gauntlet community and Codex, I wanted to let the community know about it. Feel free to ask questions here and I will be happy to respond.
The zine is called MOTiVE, and this first issue begins a four-part journey into a twisted faerie world. The Green-Golden Rade is a fey realm in the form of a road (or rade, horse- path) that can connect any locations. Terrible fey nobles placed the hearts of unrequited lovers in amber stelae as its milestones when it was fashioned by the labors of their enchanted slaves. These beautiful and capricious lords then called the Green-Golden Rade forth to travel into the arms of their lovers, or arrive behind the defenses of their most hated foes. In the beginning the nobles paid the road’s toll with the shame of their servants, the tears of mothers who lost children, or the sanity of mortals tempted onto the road. Now all who pace its ancient cobbles pay their own way. Today the Green-Golden Rade reaches out to the world, yearning for heart-sick, passionate, or desperate travelers.
You can find the first issue at DriveThruRPG.