I’ve only played one two-session game of a Dream Apart, so I’m far from an expert. But, to me, the “No Dice, No Masters” presents two challenges:
- Managing your character and tracking when to pick up, put down, or make a move for all the elements created a high cognitive load.
- Since no one ‘owned’ a setting element, everyone seemed hesitant to do anything definitive.
Now, we were all new to the system, so my experience may have been unusual. Have other people run into this? Does it go away when you know the system better?
This probably goes against the entire philosophy of the “No Dice, No Masters” framework, but I wonder if the game would run smoother if one player handled all the setting elements (and no character). Or maybe each player could handle a specific element for the length of the game (so, for example, you might continue to manage The Unseen World, even when the rules tell you to hand off that element).
Has anyone tried doing anything like that?