"We’re all too old for this shit.
But there’s a threat out there in the vastness of space that can’t be ignored. It’s one we know, one that only we can deal with. I know that it’s been a long time, and that there are… questions you may have, and old wounds that may not have entirely healed. But this is our moment to make amends for what happened all those years ago. To take one last voyage into the unknown, to once again know that our lives are in each others’ hands, and that what we do will make a profound difference. It’s not too late. One last time, let’s return to the stars.
Once more into the Void is Jamilla R. Nedjadi’s GM-less storytelling game of a retired starship captain gathering their old crew for one last mission that will very likely be their last. They’ve got baggage from their years in the stars long ago, and they may not all be there for the same reason. But the Captain certainly won’t be dissuaded from this crazy scheme, and so whatever your reason, from not being bale to quit them to this just being a good day to die, you’re in. It’s based on Vincent and Meguay Bakers’ The King is Dead, and you can find the complete text on Jamilla’s’ itch.io page.
We’ll play this as a one-shot, I will facilitate but also play a character (for a total of 4). Touchstones for this game include Picard, Mass Effect 2, Garth Ennis’ Dan Dare reboot, maybe the Twelfth Doctor. We’ll use Lines & Veils, X-Card/Script Change, and Open Door to make sure we’re on the same page for content and safety.
2020-03-26T00:00:00Z → 2020-03-26T03:30:00Z: https://gauntlet-hangouts.firebaseapp.com/event-detail/-M0u_UQXFg6JcvBHDWWd