There is always strangeness in Ciudad Soñando - that serial killer who murdered all those surfers … the unusually large number of adolescent cats at Rancho de la Paz … and uncanny howls emanating from Las Colinas de Tristeza in the dead of night to name just a few …
But strangeness is also Ciudad Soñando’s legacy - there is a history of strangeness here, dating back before missionaries arrived to spread their religion. Ghosts walked among us then, unseen but ever-present, guarding people from small mishaps - cups didn’t fall off the table and break, locks worked smoothly, the minor accidents we take for granted occurred far less frequently then, or so legend has it. That’s where Ciudad Soñando’s unofficial motto came from: “Bendice a los fantasmas vigilantes que nos protegen.” Bless the watchful ghosts that protect us.
In those times, Día de Muertos was celebrated at the beginning of summer, but the missionaries gradually spread the idea that it could be aligned with the autumn triduum … and no one asked the dead how they felt about the change. They went from being celebrated when it was warm and life was blooming, people recognizing all that they had done to make this place better for us when temperate winds blew in from the sea, the taste of salt on everyone’s lips, to being honored when plants were dying, animals were hoarding food and the winds began to bring storms that battered the coast these spirits had worked so hard to transform while alive. They were once celebrated when everything reminded us of the good things they had created; now, people tend their graves when hunger and death are on their way.
Welcome to fall in Ciudad Soñando - the year draws to a close, the sun sets earlier, the winds that whip through the town’s streets sound like bitter, vengeful screams, and the things that go bump in the night? The quickly shortening days give them more time to hunt.
A primary touchstone is the original Dark Shadows television series. There will be undead, magic, shapeshifters/skinwalkers, and mortals who think they are hunting foul beasts. There will likely be bloodshed and feeding on mortals, ranging from a vampire’s bite to the possibility of a skinwalker killing people and eating their corpses. Graphic violence will be veiled. If there is humor in this game, it will likely be gallows humor. If there is romance, it’s a moment of respite from the horror.
This game is very likely to include violence, up to and including murder. Violence between players may occur. Vampires may feed on mortals, crones and sorcerors may use human or animal parts in spellcasting, shapechangers/skinwalkers may kill and eat corpses, and hunters will likely need to use violence (such as decapitation) to deal with the monsters they face. Graphic violence will be veiled. If players consent, there may be themes of romance/sexual tension between player-controlled characters, and/or player and GM-controlled characters, but anything more explicit than a passionate kiss or embrace will be veiled.
This session will use a lengthy list of Lines and Veils to facilitate an initial baseline for player safety. Players are absolutely encouraged to add more topics to the list for their own safety. This session will also use the N-Card, X-Card and Script Change as necessary to adjust the game while it’s in progress to maintain player safety. Finally, the Open Door Policy is always in effect and players may leave at any time for any length of time for any reason. This session will also adhere to The Gauntlet’s Community Code of Conduct: https://www.gauntlet-rpg.com/community-code-of-conduct.html
We will use Streamyard for the event and, if all participants consent, it will be recorded and uploaded to YouTube. We will take two 5-10 minute breaks during the game around the top of the hour.
All Access: This game will be open to signups for everyone on August 10 at 5 p.m. Central time.
A seat has been reserved for Saribel.