I just discovered this:
I do most of my roleplaying F2F and I am a huge fan of having “themed” dice for my games (still love my Murder City shiny and “chrome” d6s for cyberpunk PbtA games). Those porcelain dice seem to be great for the upcoming Hearts of Wulin and other Wuxia theme games. I am really tempted to pick up two of them for the game!
What is also really cool about this is that it is a very durable porcelain that keeps its shape surprisingly well. As someone who dabbles in 3D printing, I am hoping that this technology will eventually find its way to 3d printers, but that’s past the scope of this community.
It is really great seeing some new technology being used for our hobby. I remember when Q-workshop started, they were using some modified brick cutting machine to make their dice. I am really looking forward to what other kinds of “artisinal” dice will show up in the future.