Hello Gauntleteers! Just a reminder about our tone and tenor for posting here on the forums, as we’ve observed some behaviors that have had us concerned, and we wanted to reach out to the community as a gentle notice about it
There is no Wrong Way to Play - Whether they enjoy traditional gaming, classic play, storygames, OSR, or some mix, everyone has the freedom and right to enjoy a game. There is no correct way to play, and while we are a site that focuses heavily on Storygaming and OSR, please refrain from negative talk about other styles of gaming, or about others who come in asking about flaws in OSR/Storygame systems. We want an open and honest conversation about all three topics, both the good and the bad, and having open discussion without a demand to acknowledge one as “The Best” or “The Worst”
Intent does not excuse Impact - When writing, take a moment to look over what you’ve written and go “is this in the most charitable and caring light?” and remember to phrase statements in ways that assume the other side of the conversation has read the same materials you have, and that their experiences and questions are made as a good faith inquiry. While we all come from different backgrounds and experiences, we are all equals in gaming, and we should reflect that in our conversation, and encourage people to share ideas and experiences. Couch your language as a kind inquiry, not a demand, such as “this reminds me of when X happened at our table, have you had this occur?” or “What were your thoughts about the text on page 137, as that seems to be directly related to your concerns?”
If not an Explicit Yes, then No - If you pose a question and it is ignored, you are welcome to re-ask the question in the course of the conversation and help build the narrative. However, continually asking individuals to justify their position or provide you an answer to your satisfaction is unfriendly behaviour and can result in the person feeling Othered or unwelcome to the community. If you want more information, or want to continue the debate, consider both asking the person on their experiences, as well as asking them their feelings on an item. And if a person has declined to continue a particular subject, do not continue asking or tagging them in that subject or similar subjects. Conversation is about coming to understand another person, not forcing them to accept your opinion as the best or demanding your satisfaction.
Low/No Content Posting - Please do not make posts containing no content (ie, “first post,” “I want to follow this”, “that’s interesting” etc.). These just litter up the forums and we need to eliminate these as much as possible. If you want to show support for someone’s comment, click the Heart Icon to show it.
As a general rule, write as if you were speaking in real life to another human being.
As always, we encourage everyone to be kind and caring, and to help keep our community friendly and welcoming. The Moderation Team is always available and you may always flag a post, either as one of the pre-generated options, or as “Something Else” if you want to go into more details on what you believe is going on. We check every report and do our best to respond to them as a unified group as well as ensure we all thrive as a community of Good Gaming.