When you turn 60 a horrible creature emerges from the earth to take you away kicking and screaming. If you manage to kill your Harvester then it comes back next year even stronger. A game about Elder adventurers fighting for life.
This is a brand new OSR game that’s currently in beta, but the concept so intrigued me that I couldn’t resist taking it for a spin! We’ll build PCs and play through a scenario to see how it goes! You’ll play battered and worn-down adventurers who still aren’t ready to just give in to the Harvest. It’s a traditional GMed OSR-style adventure game, with pretty simple rules and one big crazy concept to drive the story.
You can get the PWYW Beta of Ripe right here.
Presume plenty of grimdark fantasy horror stuff, discussion of aging and obsolescence, and probably some character death. We’ll use the X-Card, Lines & Veils, and Open Door to make sure everyone has dark and melodramatic fun.
2020-04-21T00:00:00Z → 2020-04-21T03:30:00Z: https://gauntlet-hangouts.firebaseapp.com/event-detail/-M3e6nIljlIFOslvoII1