Hmmm… I can see that Magpie have taken the Cartel ashcan down and only have the full book up on DriveThru, so don’t want to share their IP.
It really is just a reskin of all the moves and books, the slang etc. Politza = Security Officer/ISB officer (you choose), El Narco = The Crimelord, etc. Guns = Blasters. I think the biggest change is to some of the Sicario (Assassin) weapons are ‘Ion gun’ or ‘Vibrosword’ and the tags have changed. Oh and all the drugs are star wars drugs Strangely I think that Hutt Cartel actually makes the Cocinero playbook easier to fit in with the other characters, though La Espoza feels less in place (Star Wars has less of a ‘normal’ civilian world to maintain).There’s no Force users and though you can play any SW species, no one has alien powers (Wookie super strength or what have you) or stat changes due to that.
The Plaza of Durango is now Level 1313 of Coruscant and often scenes may take you up-level to the Surface rather than wholly taking place within ‘The Plaza’. But COruscant is a planet wide city so it’s easy to handwave the interconnectedness. In my last session I ran for GCOG I introduced some Rebellion contacts and a heavy handed Imperial lockdown, which given the tangled history of the drug trade and military/espionage involvement felt like it fit perfectly well with the game.
This will be my first attempt at running Cartel of any kind more than one session! Major obstacle is remembering to say Star Wars curse words rather than ****.