Swords without Master One-Shot Sunday September 19th

Gather writing implements, scraps of paper, three or four of your cohorts, and two six-sided dice that you can easily tell apart to a table. A mahogany table adorned with thick, greasy candles and five human skulls. Failing that, a stout oaken table near a glowing hearth, replete with ale-filled steins and a succulent roast. Or, if you prefer, a tabletop chipped whole from a single obsidian stone, placed on the back of a coiled serpent of silver in a room high in a lonely tower shrouded in a prismatic fog.”

A game of strange sorceries, brutal violence and astounding wonder by Epidiah Ravachol. Become rogues in a world of swords and sorcery, living by your wits and prowess, plunging into the unknown, and seizing from it untold treasures.

Time: Sunday 19th September at 1900 GMT
Number of players: 3 - with one extra spot reserved for Mark W

Zoom - for video communications
Discord - we will be using a custom Discord dice bot
Pinterest - we have a pinterest board to facilitate finding images so a pinterest account is recommended but not required

Safety tools: Gauntlet Community Code of Conduct (https://www.gauntlet-rpg.com/community-code-of-conduct.html), Lines & Veils , X-card, Open Door policy

Content warning: There will likely be themes of violence and death

I will send further information in an email one week before the game. RSVPs open to all on 23rd July at midday GMT

Sign-up link: https://gauntlet-hangouts.firebaseapp.com/event-detail/-Mf0IZp6X98ZzTHuHcoE

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