The public and free PLAY AIDS folder of the Gauntlet Community

Did you know that The Gauntlet hosts a giant Google Drive folder with online gaming play aids for many of your favorite games? It currently contains 136 play aids.

Here is the link:

If you want to have an overview or want to learn how you can add or update character keepers and the like, here is the summary document:

Any questions? Remarks? Feel free to hit me up here or on the Gauntlet Slack.


If people have their own play aids they would like to share by adding them to the folder, how should they go about doing that?


The process is:
Send me, Gerrit, a link. Either here or on the Gauntlet Slack. I will make a copy of the file and add it. If you don’t want me to put your name in the list of all contributors, I can list you as anonymous. Please tell me in that case.

Importantly, the material should either have no copyright relevant material in it or a confirmation by the creator that they are OK with us hosting the play aid online.

This is pure fan work, no contracts or change in ownership. I can take your play aid out of the folder any time you don’t want it there anymore.


Hello Gerrit
Could I submitmy own game/character sheet to this repository?
It’s a character sheet and game rules all in one

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Absolutely! I will add it.

I get an error when I try to access the folder. It repeatedly says “You are not signed in” despite the fact that I am signed into Google. Retrying to sign in gets the same issue, endlessly.

I can access the spreadsheet, though.

Weird. It works for me on various devices. Even when not signed in. You could also maybe try in an incognito browser tab or on a different device?

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Incognito mode does fix it. So the problem was exactly the opposite of what the error suggested? Weird. But at least I can access the stuff now.

Thank you.

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Really weird, I agree. I remember vaguely that I had a similar issue some years ago. Not even clearing cache helped. Good that you now have access.