Trophy Gold: The Shattered Palace (series)

Each session is scheduled for 2.5 hours. We will be using Streamyard. I will send an email a week ahead to confirm! This session may be recorded, depending on my Streamyard limit.

Being able to attend all sessions would be ideal, but is not required! You must RSVP to each session you wish to attend.

There is a palace from ages long past. Drenched in blood, horror, and nightmare. Within its glimmering depths, its cold embrace, there is gold. There is treasure. There is a chance for a life better than this one.

Trophy Gold is a collaborative storytelling game about a group of treasure-hunters on an expedition to a haunted environment that doesn’t want them there. Trophy Gold takes the collaborative, push-your-luck rules and

rolls of Trophy and blends them with the survive-by-your-wits mentality of old school fantasy games. Instead of the ever increasing power that comes with leveling up found in other games, treasure-hunters in Trophy Gold remain fragile, meaning death is always just one bad roll away.

Safety tools : We will be using script change, lines and veils, and an open door policy. We can change these tools to whatever suits the table best. This game follows The Gauntlet’s Inclusivity Policy.

Content warning: I tend to lean into horror themes, so expect nightmarish beings and body horror perhaps?

Session 1: 2020-02-04T10:00:00Z
Session 2: 2020-02-11T10:00:00Z
Session 3: 2020-02-18T10:00:00Z
Session 4: 2020-02-25T10:00:00Z