Uno Deck Mechanic

Not sure where i’m going with this, just bouncing around my head.

Uno Cards RPG.

Take turns going around clockwise in a circle.
Start with seven cards each, rest in the middle and take the top one to start the narrative.

The idea is to get all your cards out then you get color control, in that when its your turn you can choose to alter the previous or following turn to the color of your choice.

Numbers : Do what you achieve but…
Blue = increase pace, Yellow = decrease pace, Red = darken tone, Green = lighten tone.

Draw two = you take two cards from the pack and give them to one other person.
Draw four = you take four cards from the pack and give them to two other people.
Reverse = Reverse order.
Skip = Next person misses out.
Wild = Change color to next persons choice.

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