Visigoths vs Mall Goths Playtest(s)

Visigoths vs Mall Goths Playtest(s)

I’m filling my two free Thursdays in June by running @oh_theogony’s weird and wonderful in-development game Visigoths vs Mall Goths. It’s an RPG/dating sim about the warriors who sacked Rome and spooky teens, set in an LA shopping mall in 1996. There will very likely be teen romance including sexy-talk, drug use, and surreal random violence, so register with that in mind.

These are both ONE-SHOT sessions. Please sign up for one or the other but not both, though you should feel free to Waitlist whatever the heck you want, as always. Gauntlet Inclusivity Policy, X-Card, and Lines/Veils all in effect. Meet me at Orange Julius!