What should I call action rolls in Quietus?

I’m doing the final passes on my Forged in the Dark hack, Quietus. I’ve renamed and retooled a lot of the terms and mechanics to make them fit my theme of melancholy horror, but action rolls are still called action rolls, and that sounds a bit too… well, actiony. Does anyone have any ideas of an alternative name for them? Risk rolls maybe? Though it sounds a bit too close to getting Rickrolled.


I don’t know how the rest of the setting is oriented, but somehow I’m feeling like “Foolishly engage danger” sounds appropriate.


Maybe just Stress Rolls?

And now I’ve got an Ohrwurm (as we Germans say): “Never gonna give you up! Never gonna let you down!” And I imagine my dice singing it to me… :flushed:


Struggle roll, perhaps?


Struggle Roll, or Tension Roll? something that signifies that it’s being caused by the sudden confrontation of a thing that is causing you trouble

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Confront rolls - that might sound to actiony, but you can be on the receiving end of being confronted with something as well as doing it actively


Roll for Uncertainty. Fate rolls. Chance roll. Skill roll, Skill check.

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Crisis Roll? Peril Test? Hazard Roll? Composure Roll?

(Trophy uses Risk Rolls, thanks for putting the Rick Roll in my brain… now I want to do a glam 80’s incursion into Willy Wonka’s Wouse of Wonders or something.)


I mean, they did a terrifying Wizard of Oz one, you could totally pull off a Wonka adventure…


Confront your fear; face the horror; gather your wits; test your mettle . . .

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Are action rolls proactive or reactive?

If they are reactive, I like ‘Peril rolls’.

If they are active… I’m not sure :slight_smile: ‘Tension rolls’ perhaps?

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They’re active, always. Tension rolls is good but tension is used elsewhere. However this just made me realise it’s actually the only type of roll in the game, so I could just call them rolls.