Ever since you were little you dreamed of this. And now, it’s finally coming true. The stadium is packed to the rafters. Tens of millions are tuning in from all around the world. And you’re about to step into the biggest wrestling show on Earth. This is it, kiddo. You’re in the big leagues now. The whole world’s watching. Now’s your chance to make a name for yourself. And if you can pull this off, you might just become a legend. Now’s your chance to live forever, my feathery friend.
Because you’re a bird, motherfucker. And you’re about to make history.
This session is scheduled for 3 hours. It’ll be recorded with the consent of all players involved.
We’ll be playing World Wide Wrestling, an RPG about, well, wrestling. We’ll be following the lives, both on and off the stage, of a group of wrestlers trying to make it big in the greatest wrestling league on the face of the Earth. Except that everybody’s a bird. The wrestlers? All birds. The audience? Birds. Creative? Very. Silly. Bird.
It’s gonna be great.
The session is part of a 4-part series. Being able to attend each session is preferred, but isn’t necessary. You’ll get more out of the game if we can watch your characters grow and build grudges with folks, but I’m sure a cameo’ll be fun, too. You must RSVP to each session you wish to attend.
We’ll be using the X-Card and Lines and Veils as safety tools, and the Gauntlet Inclusivity Policy will be in full effect.
2019-08-06T00:00:00Z → 2019-08-06T03:00:00ZSession 1
2019-08-13T00:00:00Z → 2019-08-13T03:00:00ZSession 2
2019-08-20T00:00:00Z → 2019-08-20T03:00:00ZSession 3
2019-08-27T00:00:00Z → 2019-08-27T03:00:00ZSession 4