Most of the time when I start designing a game it’s right after experiencing a piece of media and as a result of me going “wow, I’d love to recreate that experience.”
What experience would you recreate if you could, in game form? Try to be specific. Also, feel free to ignore the “if you could part” - let’s not get hung up on how we’d actually go about designing it (unless you want to in a reply thread or maybe in the game design section of the forum).
For my part, I’m currently working on a fantasy horror game, which is way out of my comfort zone, after I was inspired by the Prince of Nothing / Aspect Emperor series by R. Scott Bakker.
I really wanted a game that had mechanics that gave me clear goal posts to hit and specific ways my character might realistically change when confronted with existential horror in a fantasy setting (I know lots of games already deal with this - trust me this will be different and pretty darn cool).